Can You Cash Out a Parlay Early on FanDuel?. A Complete Guide 



FanDuel is a very popular betting platform in the United States of America. FanDuel offers different types of bets. One of them is the Parlay bet. These bets are very popular among the sports bettors. Their popularity is because of their potential for big payouts. But, with the excitement of a bigger payout, bigger risks come out as well. There is a confusion among the players about the cashing out of a parlay early on FanDuel.

Don’t you know whether you can cash out a parlay early on FanDuel or not?. You need not to worry. In this article, I will be telling you in detail about how FanDuel’s cash-out feature works. I will also be explaining when it is  available and how you can cash it. Then what are you waiting for?. Let’s begin the discussion.

What Is a Parlay Bet?. 

A parlay bet is a single wager. And that single wager links two or more individual bets together. Now if you want to win this parlay, all your individual bets, known as the legs, must be successful. The whole attraction of parlay bets lies in their high-risk and high-reward nature. Since you will need to win all the bets, the odds of hitting a parlay are very low. But at the same time, the payout is very high as compared to placing the individual bets.

For example, let’s suppose that you bet on three different games in a parlay. Now if all your three teams wins, then you would earn a larger payout with it. This payout will be way higher than if you had a bet on each of the games separately. But, if you lose even one leg of the parlay, then you will lose the entire bet.

Can You Cash Out a Parlay Early on FanDuel?.

The straightforward answer to this question is, Yes!. FanDuel offers you a cash-out feature. This cash out feature allows you to cash out your parlay bet early as you want. This feature also gives you the option to settle your bet before all the legs of the parlay have been completed. Your cash-out amount is going to be based on your current status of your bet and your odds at that moment.

How the Cash-Out Feature Works:

When you place a parlay bet on your FanDuel, then you may see a cash-out option. This option will appear in your front at certain points during the event. Now if your parlay is doing well, then you can choose to cash out and take a guaranteed payout. But keep in mind that this cash-out amount will usually be less. It will be less than the potential full payout but more than your original wager.

For example, let’s suppose that you have a three-leg parlay. Now if the first two legs win, FanDuel might offer you a cash-out option. If you choose to cash out at this point, then you will secure a profit without risking the outcome of the final leg. But the cash you receive will be less than your full potential profit.

When Can You Cash Out a Parlay?.

Keep in mind that you cannot cash out a parlay any time or any moment you want to. There are a few factors that affect this thing. Some of these factors include:

Current Odds: 

The odds at the time you check your parlay have impacts on whether your cash-out option is available. If your odds are changing rapidly, then FanDuel will temporarily suspend your cash-out feature.

Game Status: 

The status of your games in your parlay is also very important. This thing can also affect your cash-out option. If your parlay involves live games, then FanDuel may adjust your cash-out offer. This adjustment will be based on the real-time outcomes of your games.

Market Conditions: 

In some cases, the market condition also has effects on your cash out options. Remember that the market conditions or specific bet types may not qualify for FanDuel’s cash-out. This means that you will not see the cash-out option for all of your parlays.

Advantages of Cashing Out a Parlay Early:

If you are cashing out a parlay early on FanDuel, then it can be a smart move in certain situations. It can be a smart move due to some reasons. These reasons include:

Securing Profit:

The biggest advantage when you cash out a parlay early is that you secure a guaranteed profit. If your parlay is winning and you got the offer of a cash-out, then taking the payout will make sure that you don’t lose everything if your remaining legs don’t go in your favor.

Minimizing Risk:

Parlay bets are very risky. It is because you need to win all the legs in it if you want to get the full payout. But by cashing out early, you can reduce your risk of losing the entire bet. This is very useful for you if the remaining legs of your parlay involve games or events that you feel uncertain about.

Disadvantages of Cashing Out a Parlay Early:

There can be some disadvantages of cashing out a parlay early. Some of these disadvantages include:

Reduced Payout:

If you cash out a parlay early, then you will get a payout that is less than your full potential payout. Now if the remaining legs of your parlay would have won, then you would have got a very bigger payout. So this thing reduces your payout.

Timing the Cash-Out:

One of the main points of using the cash-out feature is that you should know when to take this offer. Now if you cash out too early, then you might miss out on a larger payout. You will get a larger payout if the rest of your parlay is successful. On the other hand, if one of your remaining legs fails, then you will lose your entire bet.

How to Cash Out a Parlay on FanDuel:

If you have opted for cashing out in your parlay earlier, then here is how you can do it on the FanDuel’s platform:

Log in to Your FanDuel Account: 

First of all, you should log in to your FanDuel account. To do it, you should open your FanDuel app or website and log in to your account.

Go to ‘My Bets’: 

Now you should go to the ‘My Bets’ section. Here you will see all of your active bets.

Look for the Cash-Out Option: 

If the cash-out is available for your parlay, then you will see a button or option to cash out. The cash-out amount will be displayed next to this button or option.

Confirm the Cash-Out: 

Now you should click on that button to cash out your parlay. Your money will be instantly credited to your account balance.

Enjoy Your Winnings: 

Once you get your money, your bet is settled. And you can enjoy your guaranteed profit. Cash it and use it the way you want.


FanDuel is a famous betting platform. It offers different types of bettings. One of them is the Parlay. Now many of the players are in confusion about whether or not they can cash out a parlay early on FanDuel. The answer is yes, but this thing depends on your personal betting strategy and risk tolerance. If you want to secure profit and minimize risk, then cashing out your parlay can be a very smart move. But, if you are willing to take the risk for a bigger payout, then you should hold out and let the parlay play out.


Q: What is FanDuel?.

Ans: FanDuel is an incredible betting platform in the U.S.A. It is very famous among sports bettors.

Q: What is a Parlay bet?.

Ans: A parlay bet is a single wager that  links two or more individual bets together. Now if you want to win this parlay, all your individual bets must be successful.

Q: Can I cash out a parlay early in FanDuel?.

Ans: Yes you can. But it depends upon different factors. Read out the article to get the complete details about these factors.

Q: Will I get full potential parlay payment if I cash out early?.

Ans: No you will not. An early parlay cash out minimize your risk of losing. But you get less payment than your full potential payment.

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