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Clash of Clans is a famous strategy based game. The game is very famous among gamers worldwide. Clash of Clans has amazing graphics and mechanics. The game also has some unique and innovative features. Clash of Clans offers you different types of resources. You can use these resources to upgrade your buildings and other items. Dark Elixir is one of these valuable resources. You can use this resource to upgrade your Heroes, Dark Troops and Dark Spell Factory. But, farming Dark Elixir can be a bit challenging for you, especially without using your gems.
Don’t you know how to farm Dark Elixir quickly without using gems?. You need not to worry. In this article, I will be telling you everything about how to get Dark Elixir fast. I will also be telling you about the best armies for your farming. Moreover, I will be giving you essential tips that will help you to protect your resources. Then what are you waiting for?. Let’s begin the show!

What Is Dark Elixir Used For in Clash of Clans?.
Dark Elixir is a very important resource in the Clash of Clans. You can use this resource for upgrading many things. Some of them are:
Upgrading Heroes:
You can use your Dark Elixir to upgrade your heroes. These heroes are like the Barbarian King and Archer Queen. You can also upgrade your Grand Warden and Royal Champion with this resource.
Training Dark Troops:
In Clash of Clans, you will need to upgrade your troops like Minions, Hog Riders, Bowlers and Witches. And all of these troops require Dark Elixir for their upgrade.
Upgrading Dark Barracks and Dark Spells:
You can use Dark Elixir to unlock your stronger spells and get stronger troops.
Remember that Dark Elixir is harder to farm than Gold or Elixir. So you will need to use smart farming strategies to collect it quickly.

Best Ways to Farm Dark Elixir Without Gems:
There are some top methods to farm Dark Elixir fast without spending your gems. These ways are:
1. Use the Right Attack Strategy:
Choosing the best Dark Elixir farming army is very important in Clash of Clans. There are some best attack strategies for farming. These strategies are:
BAM (Barbarians, Archers, Minions):
This is a very cheap and fast strategy of farming Dark Elixir. The cost of this strategy is very low. The training time is way faster. Your target should be to attack the dead bases with full collectors. And this will let you have a nice amount of Dark Elixir.
In this, your Barbarians and Archers will clear the outside buildings. Your Minions will help you to grab the extra Dark Elixir from storages. This strategy is best for TH7 – TH10 players.
Goblin Knife:
This is another quick storage farming strategy. This strategy is also low cost with a fast training time. In it, your target should be the bases with a handsome amount of Dark Elixir in storage.
In Goblin Knife, your Goblins will break through the walls quickly and go straight for storage. The Wall Breakers will open paths for your Goblins. This strategy will work best for you if you are a player of TH9 and above.
GiBarch (Giants, Barbarians, Archers):
This strategy is best for you if you prefer stronger raids. The cost of this strategy is medium and the training time is moderate. In it, your main targets are the weak and dead bases.
In GiBarch, your Giants will act as tanks while your Barbarians and Archers will clean up. This strategy works best for the players of TH8 – TH11.
Mass Baby Dragons:
This strategy is best for you if you are a TH10+ player. The cost of this strategy is high and the training time is long. In it, your targets are the well-defended bases with more Dark Elixir in their storages. In MBD, your Baby Dragons’ Rage ability deals more damage.
You should use these attack strategies in your game. And they will help you to steal the maximum amount of Dark Elixir efficiently from your opponents.

2. Attack the Right Bases:
This is another important thing to farm Dark Elixir quickly. Remember that choosing the right bases to attack is just as important as your army. You should look for the following types of bases while attacking:
Dead bases:
You should have some raids on dead bases each day. It is because these bases have full collectors and drills with easy-to-steal Dark Elixir.
Exposed Dark Elixir drills:
There are some bases who place their drills outside walls. You should raid them as well. It is because it is way easier to target their Dark Elixir.
Weak bases with low defenses:
You should also keep your eyes on weak bases with low defenses. These bases are easier to raid and collect resources.
There are some best leagues for farming Dark Elixir. These leagues are:
Crystal League (TH9 – TH11):
This league is best as you will find many dead bases in it.
Master League (TH10 – TH12):
This is a hard league. But it is best as you can have more Dark Elixir per raid.
Champion League (TH11 – TH13):
These bases are stronger. So you will need to have strong raids on them. But the amount of Dark Elixir rewards you get are higher too.
If you attack the right bases, then you can maximize your Dark Elixir farming successfully.
3. Upgrade and Protect Your Dark Elixir Storage:
If you are arming, then remember that it is important for you to protect your Dark Elixir from attackers. There are some best base layouts tips to Protect your Dark Elixir. These tips are:
Place Dark Elixir Storage in the center:
You should place your Dark Elixir storage in the centre of your base. It is because this makes it harder for the attackers to reach it.
Use strong defenses around Dark Elixir:
You should put your best around the Dark Elixir. I recommend you put your X-Bows, Inferno Towers and Wizard Towers nearby.
Set Inferno Towers to single-target mode:
This is also an effective strategy. It is because this will help you to melt enemy Heroes before they reach your storage.
Remember that a strong base layout prevents attackers from stealing your hard-earned Dark Elixir. So you should make it as strong as possible.

4. Use the Dark Elixir Drill Effectively:
Your Dark Elixir Drills produce Dark Elixir over time. If you want to maximize your production, then you should follow the tips below:
- You should upgrade all your Dark Elixir Drills to the max level.
- You should collect Dark Elixir frequently to avoid being raided.
- You should use the Builder Boost from the Gold Pass to increase your production speed.
If you have high-level Dark Elixir Drills, then it means you will earn free Dark Elixir even when you are offline.
5. Participate in Clan Games and Events:
There are many Clan Games and Events that offer free Dark Elixir as rewards. You should always check the following things:
Clan Games:
You should compete in these games and complete them. It is because completing these challenges will give you some bonus Dark Elixir.
Season Challenges:
You should participate in the season challenges as well. In them, you can get Gold Pass rewards. This reward can let you have some extra Dark Elixir.
Limited-time events:
There are some events that give free Dark Elixir for using specific troops. You should take their advantage as well.
Remember that taking advantage of free rewards will help you to boost your Dark Elixir farming without gems.

Clash of Clans is a very famous online game. The game has been trending for quite some time. Clash of Clans offers different resources. You can use these resources to upgrade your buildings and troops. One of them is the Dark Elixir. If you want to farm Dark Elixir quickly without using gems, then you can use your cost-efficient armies like BAM or Goblin Knife. You can also attack the dead bases with full collectors for easy loot. You should protect your Dark Elixir Storage by placing it in the center of your base. Moreover, you should upgrade your Dark Elixir Drills to earn some passive income. And this will increase your Dark Elixir farming to a greater extent.
Q: What is the best strategy to farm Dark Elixir in Clash of Clans?.
Ans: The best strategies are BAM for cheap farming and Goblin Knife for quick storage loots. Moreover, Mass Baby Dragons is best for you if you want higher-level farming.
Q: What is the best league for farming Dark Elixir?.
Ans: If you are in TH9 – TH11, then Crystal League is best for you. If you are in TH10 – TH12, then Master League will give you high Dark Elixir rewards. Champion League is great for TH11+ players.
Q: How can I protect my Dark Elixir from being stolen?.
Ans: You should place your Dark Elixir Storage in the center. You should surround it with your strong defenses. Moreover, you should use your Inferno Towers on single-target mode to stop the enemy Heroes.
Q: Can I farm Dark Elixir without using gems?.
Ans: Yes. You can use cost-effective armies and upgrade Dark Elixir Drills. You can also participate in Clan Games and Events to collect Dark Elixir for free.