How to Get League Medals in Clash of Clans: A Complete Guide 


Clash of clans is a very popular game. The game has been trending for a long time. The game is equally famous among players from all age groups. Clash of clans offers amazing and innovative gameplay. The game also offers different events and leagues. In these events, you can win different types of medals and titles. League Medals are one of them. These league medals are one of the most valuable rewards in the Clash of Clans. They allow you to purchase exclusive items. These exclusive items can include Magic Hammers, Training Potions and Decorations from the League Shop. 

Do you want to know how you earn League Medals in Clash of Clans?. You need not to worry. In this article, I will be telling you everything you need to know about how to get League Medals in Clash of Clans. I will also be telling you about the tips that can maximize your rewards. Then what are you waiting for?. Let’s begin the show!

What Are League Medals?.

League Medals are a special currency. You can earn this currency by participating in Clan War Leagues (CWL). These medals are awarded at the end of each league season. You can earn them based on your clan’s performance and your individual contributions.

How to Get League Medals in Clash of Clans?.

If you want to get league medals, then you should follows some steps. These steps are:

1. Join a Clan That Participates in Clan War Leagues:

This is the first step to earning League Medals. First of all, you will have to be part of a clan. After that, this clan should take part in the Clan War Leagues. These leagues are monthly events. In them, the clans compete in wars against seven other clans in their league group. 

But your clan should fulfill some criteria. This criteria is:

First of all, only clans with at least 15 active members can participate in CWL. If you are in higher-level clans, then you are more likely to perform well. So you should join a strong and active clan. This will maximize your chances of earning more medals.

2. Participate in Clan Wars During CWL:

If you want to earn League Medals, then you must actively participate in battles. And these battles should be during the Clan War League. In them, players are assigned one attack per war, so make it count. 

Moreover, you should focus on earning as many stars as possible. It is because stars determine your clan’s rank in the league group. If your clan performs well, then you will receive more medals. Remember that even if your attacks are not perfect, still contributing consistently is the key.

3. Help Your Clan Achieve a High Rank:

The number of League Medals you earn depends on different things. But it largely depends on your clan’s overall performance in CWL. In it, the clans are ranked based on the total stars they earn. These stars are earned across all the wars in the season. If you have higher ranks in your league group, then it will result in better rewards for all members.

For example, if you have 1st place in a group, then it offers the highest medal rewards. If you have lower placements, then you will still get reward medals. But they will be in smaller amounts.

4. Be in the Roster During CWL:

If you want to earn League Medals, then you must be included in your clan’s CWL roster. Each of the clan can add 15-30 members to their roster. Remember that if you are not in the roster, then you will not earn medals. You will not win it even if your clan wins. So you should be an active contributor to the clan. This will enable you to secure your spot in the CWL roster.

5. Earn Bonus League Medals from Clan Leaders:

Clan leaders and co-leaders can distribute bonus League Medals. They can distribute it to the members who performed exceptionally well during the season. But keep in mind that thi bonus is limited. So only a few of the members can receive it. You should be consistent with your attacks. You should also help the clan achieve victories. And this will increase your chances of earning a bonus.

6. Stay Active and Contribute in Other Wars:

It is true that CWL is the main way to earn League Medals. But if you stay active in regular Clan Wars, then it is also very helpful. It is because it can help you to secure a spot in the roster for CWL. You should demonstrate your skills in regular wars. This will show the clan leaders that you are reliable. Remember that active players are more likely to be included in the future CWL rosters.

How Are League Medals Calculated?.

The number of League Medals you earn is based on several factors. Some of these factors include:

Clan’s Rank: 

If you get higher placements in the league group, then it can result in more medals.

League Tier: 

If you have higher league tiers, then you can also get larger medal rewards.


If you are in the CWL roster, then you will receive medals. These medals will be based on your clan’s rank.

Bonuses: Clan leaders can distribute bonus medals to the top-performing members.

Tips to Maximize Your League Medals:

If you want to maximise your chances of getting league medals, then you should follow some tips. The best among them are:

1. Focus on Upgrading Your Army:

You should focus on the up-gradation of your army. It is because if you have a strong army, then it increases your chances of earning stars during CWL battles. You should upgrade your troops and spells. You should also upgrade your heroes to maximize their attack efficiency. You should use popular strategies like Electro Dragon attacks for higher success rates.

2. Communicate with Your Clan:

Teamwork is very essential. It is because teamwork is the key to score higher in Clan War Leagues. So you should coordinate with your clanmates. This will enable you to make sure that everyone attacks strategically. You should also avoid attacking targets that are too difficult or already defeated.

3. Practice Attack Strategies:

Before CWL begins, you should practice your attack strategies. You can practice them in regular wars or friendly challenges. You should familiarize yourself with common base layouts. You should also experiment with different troop combinations. This will enable you to find what works the best for you.

4. Stay Active in the Clan:

If you are an active participant in regular wars, this shows that you are a dedicated player. You should actively participate in donations and clan games. This will ensure that you remain a valuable member. This increases your chances of being included in the future CWL rosters.


Clash of Clans is a very interesting and famous strategy game. The game has been played by many players. This game is popular due to its innovative and amazing gameplay. Earning League Medals in Clash of Clans is a rewarding process. This process involves participating in Clan War Leagues. This also involves contributing to your clan’s success and demonstrating consistency. You can maximize your rewards by joining an active clan. You can also do it by improving your attack strategies and by staying involved. Best of luck with the future Clan War League!


Q: How many League Medals can I earn in a season?.

Ans: The number of League Medals depends on different factors. These factors can include your clan’s rank and your league tier. This can also depend on whether you receive a bonus. Remember that higher ranks and tiers will yield you more medals.

Q: Can I earn League Medals if I’m not in the CWL roster?.

Ans: No. You must be included in the CWL roster to earn League Medals.

Q: What are League Medals used for?.

Ans: League Medals can be spent in the League Shop. You can use them to purchase Magic Items, Potions and Decorations.

Q: How do clan leaders distribute bonus League Medals?:

Ans: Clan leaders and co-leaders can award bonus League Medals. They can give them to members who perform exceptionally well during CWL.

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